Microbiology lab with the folloIsolation of Bacteria (Culture and Sensitivity)
Isolation of fungus (Culture and Sensitivity) Different Microbial strains procedures Different clinical sample processing Media preparation / Media types and functionsBiochemical for bacterial identification.
Hematology Lab
Hematology Lab Consist:
Demonstration of Different method for blood cell count Separation of blood component. Blood banking technique / transfusion medicine.
Chemical Pathology
Hematology Lab has the follwing facilities.
Demonstration of differents equifments. Different reagents preparation. Demonstration of Principles and techniques of Bio-Chemical test. Equipment for distillation and filtration of water
Histopathology has the following facilities:
Demonstration of histological techniques
Demonstration of tissue storage and preservation etc.
Demonstration of tissue straining techniques
Parmacology LAB
Pharmcology lab consist of.
Computer Lab
Computer lab has the following facilities.
Computers fully connected with networking
DSL and Wi-Fi
Access to different medical sites for downloading materials.
Anotomy Museum
Anotomy Museum of the institute is equipped.